It was an enriching day and SSEI project manager, Stefan Rydin, believes that a lot of valuable knowledge was shared. He summarized the day and the important role that SSEI plays in the shoe industry:
“Our networking activities create knowledge-building that strengthens the shoe industry, and we can ensure that companies are prepared for future environmental requirements and legislation.”
From Svensk Handel (Swedish Commerce) , EU’s new sustainability legislation was presented, with a focus on sustainability and digital product passports. Tillväxtverket, The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth, also discussed the need for knowledge and support to implement these changes. Additionally, KEMI, the Swedish Chemicals Agency, provided an overview of regulations on chemicals in shoe care products. Another representative, ETI Sweden, announced the CSDD directive (Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive) and how it will affect large companies.
Regarding new legislation and sustainability solutions, Stefan emphasized the need to stay ahead:
“We must prepare today to meet upcoming requirements and legislation. Together, we can create a positive change and contribute to a more sustainable future for our industry.”
The final presenter of the day, Stadium, introduced their project on producer responsibility for packaging. It involved the possibility of selling shoes without their packaging to save the environment.
Among the participants were companies and industry actors such as Acne Studios ANWR, Axelda, ETI Sweden, HM, Independent Shoewear, IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet, Kemikalieinspektionen, Lundhags, NilsonGroup, RevolutionRace AB, Scorett, Shepherd of Sweden AB, Shoe-d-vision, Stadium, Svensk Handel, Theorema / Scavanti Tillväxtverket and Trade Partners Sweden.
The initiative for SSEI (Swedish Shoe Environmental Initiative) comes from the Swedish shoe industry, Trade Partners Sweden, and Svensk Handel (Swedish Commerce).
We want to extend a big thank you to all participants!